Thursday, July 30, 2009

TODAY Took A Vacation to San Antonio

In January I started watching tv in the morning before I went to school or work. My daily schedule was the Rachel Ray Show, The View, and then The Today show with Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb. I had never had the slightest interest in any of these shows before, but there was nothing else on with our limited channels in Wymount so I got attached to these ones. My favorite was the Today show. I don't know why but KLG (Kathy Lee Gifford) and Hoda amused me because they bickered back and forth. Over the past 6 months I've watched them religiously. It kills me that I didn't know about them sooner because I took a trip last summer to New York and I could've been in the background of their show in Rockefeller Center. Well, last week I was watching the show and they announced they were going to go on a vacation to SAN ANTONIO. I was in shock for a moment. I had to rewind to make sure I heard correctly...I did. I was SOOO excited.

Mack knows of my infatuation with KLG and Hoda. When we watch tv in the morning he is kind enough to let me watch my show, even though he would much rather watch many other things. Being the incredibly generous and understanding husband that he is, he suggested we go and see them when they came to visit. I love Mack. :)

They came on Wednesday and on Tuesday we found out that they were taping everything really early. We had to be at this little theatre by the Riverwalk by 7 am. I was having second thoughts because I knew there would be tons of people and so we would have to go earlier. I told Mack we didn't have to go, but he knew I wanted to deep down. He was willing to wake up early, sit for hours, and be hot and sticky to see them with me.

We got there by 6:30. The theatre was already full. We found a spot by some annoying high school cheerleaders (who I guarantee have never watched the show) and watched while people took pictures with KLG and Hoda, swarmed the staff who were giving out free stuff, and watched people waving their ugly homemade signs. I couldn't believe that the people I watched everyday on tv were actually here in person. It was an early, but fun day. Mack even enjoyed himself. He had fun taking pictures of the weirdos. We taped the shows and later watched them to see if you could see us. We made it into some crowd shots, but only we would've been able to recognize ourselves. There was one clear one of us. We were on the Today Show!!!
KLG and Hoda...

Some of the weirdos Mack took pictures of...
A was a girl wearing the costume
An old genie

Some man claiming to have won something...he had an eye patch
They did a Texas animal segment and the Buzzard flew on Hoda's head.

And Leeann Womack performed...

It was a dream come true for me to see them. I give a big Thank You to Mack for supporting my weird obsession and indulging me by going to see them.


Noelle said...

Breana! That is HILARIOUS!! I had no idea you liked that show. I love Mack's pictures of the weirdos. That's really fun that you got to go and see your idols ;)

Stephanie Yamashita said...

Wow, how funny. I know who KLG but no idea about Hoda. Once in awhile I would watch KLG and Regis on the Regis show. She was hilarious. I'm so glad you got to see your fav's and have that memory!! LOL. Love you guys!!

Nikki said...

Your crazy, but it's fun to so something out of the ordinary once in a while. love the weirdos