So for some strange reason I had this quick image of Elder Beck and I eating caviar over at an investigoators house and watching them drink vodka and fail miserably at American karioke songs. They were mostly doing Metallica which was part of the problem. So anyway, I LOVED the caviar but Elder Beck mostly faked that he was eating it (which I didn't know at the time) and when we left he pulls out 3 or4 tortillas (lavash in russian) full of caviar. I was laughing so hard.
So I informed Bre that I would be preparing some caviar for her to try. She was not in the least bit thrilled to try it but I told she had to at least once. So I went down to the local Harmons and bought some Russian Caviar and came back to make it. So what you need to do is get a couple tortillas slathered in butter with a couple crackers on the side and just spread your Caviar on and eat up! You should roll the tortilla up pretty tight before you eat it and you'll be on your way to a fabulous snack! I can just feel those little salty eggs popping in my teeth!! YUM.
Bre didn't exactly love it as much as I do, but she said that it was ok, just a little too salty. As you can see by her face, she wasn't diggin it too much. But at least she can now say that she has tried it.
All in all it was a fun exerience and I highly suggest to all the ladies and gentleman this great world has to offer. Have an egg-popping experience!!!!